
Hello fellow Patriots, I will be presenting to you a case for why I should be elected to serve WE THE PEOPLE, in the United States House of Representatives, representing CT’s 1st Congressional district. The case I will try to make to you all will be a through and detailed one where I will go in depth into a few issues that I think are the most important and have never received any attention from prior candidates of either party. My campaign is not a conventional one, I am not a conventional candidate, and the issues and the way they are going to be presented to you is not conventional as well. I consider myself a whistleblower of sorts and this is a campaign centered around the things I have witnessed and want to share with everyone. So I suggest that if what you are looking for is a conventional candidate with some superficial used up, worn out talking points that you look elsewhere, but if you are even the slightest curious about what really plagues our country and the driving forces behind it all that you consider reading further. I refuse to confine my thoughts to mindless blurbs and buzzwords even if it costs me the election because it is just as important to inform the public of the topics I am running on as it is to win this race.

I am running for Congress in Connecticut’s 1st congressional district because for decades we have allowed for one party rule to dictate our destiny and it has been sending us down a path to serfdom! This is not your father’s Democrat party, far left communists have infiltrated the very core of the party and have either co-opted the good and decent Democrats a long time ago or have pushed them out all together. I have worked in public service for a majority of my adult life and I have seen a thing or two. Folks, there is rampant corruption and evil that exists at the heart of our government. The deep state is a real thing and just like with President Kennedy’s assassination so many years ago, the attempt on President Trumps life was orchestrated by the same elements in our government that don’t want America to prosper but want us to fall under a tyrannical one world government. Year after year, election cycle after election cycle, I hear Republicans, the party I now belong to, talk about the same old things, lowering taxes, cutting regulation, they say things like they’re against increased spending but every year, no matter who is in charge, budgets get bigger spending grows and the debt continues to swelter. The uniparty, which consists of weak-kneed, Republicans and those who call themselves “Democrats” but are really globalists and communists that have infiltrated the Democratic Party have been either standing by idly or working hand in hand with the forces trying to bring this country down. The situation is much more dire and calls for more than to run a campaign just on a promise to cut taxes!

In a few moments I will talk to you about my platform, I will bring to light information that our government and special interests of elite groups have been concealing for centuries. One of the greatest gifts anyone can receive is that of truth, and I was fortunate enough to have been in positions where I saw the truth with my very own two eyes. This November’s election is the most important one in all our lifetimes. Do we continue down this path that the far left elements in our government are taking us down? Do we continue with debt slavery, do we continue with the indoctrination and assault on our children by the public education system? Do we continue with worse physical, mental and spiritual health? Do we continue to allow the attack on our families and faith? Do we continue to allow for the truth to be kept from us? Does this suffering need to continue? I cannot help but think of Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". That passage from the Bible truly personifies what this next election is about. I promise all of you, that should I be fortunate enough to earn the votes of the people of the 1st Congressional District that I will never sell out, I will always abide by the constitution and protect this country from threats both foreign and domestic wherever they may hide, and we will take our country back!

End the Fed

I start off with this, as, everything that is wrong not just with our country but the entire world can be traced back to this group. A misnomer if there ever was one, as the FED is accountable to nothing and no one in Washington – the feckless Congress, the President, the bloated Federal Agencies, even the Pentagon. Founded over 100 years ago but who’s roots go back much deeper, at a secret meeting on an island off the coast of Georgia known as Jekyll Island, yes, this is a real place. At this secret meeting the most powerful American and European families sent their emissaries with one goal in mind, the creation of a central bank so as to permanently have a hand in the future affairs of our nation from that point forward. The families and interests represented at this meeting were the Warburg’s, Rockerfeller’s, Morgan’s, Rothschild’s and more. Since then, inflation, debt, and other facets of the economy are being controlled by this invisible hand, and not the one Adam Smith spoke of. Ladies and Gentleman of the 1st we do not have a free economy, we do not have a free country, we have a booby trapped system where only a hand full of elite economic interests are dictating the destiny of our nation. They finance wars we do not want, suppress human innovation when it threatens their cartels, they sink our economy and the economies of many countries of the world at a whim so as to profiteer from the fluxes of the markets. This cartel of elites are on both sides of every major global conflict, perpetuating a system of controlled outcomes that never results in the betterment of anyone but in the sustained suffering of many. I highly recommend that you read the book “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin, no relation. In here you will get a full understanding of how the system has been stacked against you from day one and how both parties have contributed to it. If I am sworn in as you next Congressman I promise I will bring forward legislation to “End the Fed” similar to that of Ron Paul’s proposal years ago, and expose the centuries of corruption that has taken place to the severe detriment of the American people.

Suppressed Cures

For decades and decades, big Pharma and the greater medical establishment has intentionally kept and made people sicker, in cahoots with other major industrial forces and in addition to massive amounts of corruption within major federal agencies like the FDA they have been able to control the physical health of the people of this nation. For over 100 years now there have been many breakthroughs in the field of cancer research, and no I am not talking about the latest chemo drug or radiation therapy that only makes you sicker and fast tracks your death. I am talking about the many actual medical breakthroughs in science over the course of the last century that have proven beyond doubt their efficacy. I am talking about true hero’s such as Dr. John Beard, Dr. Ernst T Krebs Sr and his son Jr, both early pioneers of the Vitamin B17 theory. Later on in the 20th century you had more heroes emerge one of the most prominent was Dr. John Richardson from California who saved thousands of lives administering B17/Laetrile intravenously to his patients before the government took his license away. G Edward Griffin chronicled the story of this once widely used vitamin, yes, you’ve been reading that correctly, a vitamin, vitamin B17 found in many naturally occurring plants on earth and very concentrated in the bitter pits of many sweet fruit like apricots and peaches. B17 was being used effectively for treating cancer of all stages, administered in varying degrees of concentration depending on the stage of cancer. Laetrile or Vitamin B17 used to be found in virtually all the food man consumed but over time our subsistence was turned over to mass producers which were then bought by even bigger corporations that have removed Vitamin B17’s natural presence in foods in order to make them taste better and sell easier. This Vitamin is the reason why cancer as a disease was virtually unheard of prior to the 20th century and how it has become an exponentially growing problem with the passing of each decade. Now it is projected that 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetimes. Thought we were getting closer to finding the cure? My mother was head of fundraising in Central Connecticut for the American Cancer Society for 25 years before it dawned on her that there was never going to be a cure to come out for cancer because it would ruin the cancer cartel’s racket. Other’s such as Dr. Burzynski who is to this day under constant attack from both the FDA and the State of Texas. Even though his approach has successfully treated people of all types of Cancer in every stage. Dr. Gerson who was assassinated with Arsenic poisoning started the world renowned Gerson clinic that I personally visited in Mexico was successfully treating people with cancer, again virtually all kinds, with a simple mostly diet protocol. Harry Hoxsey was treating people in Texas of many kinds of cancers as well in the 50’s and 60’s before the whole medical establishment came after him, and there are many, many, more cases just like this, but none of these actual effective treatments will ever get the endorsement of the ACS, FDA, or any part of the government because we are living in an incredibly corrupt system that doesn’t care about people dying, people are just numbers to them, and the goal is money and control. I realize how this might all sound to someone that may be reading about this for the first time, but I encourage you to do your own research on this topic and you will see that what I am saying is 100% true, and to this day you can seek effective treatment for early and late stage cancer from many of these sources. I encourage you to please read G Edward Griffin’s book “World without Cancer” to learn more. I will leave you with one last example, and that is my personal experience with this topic. In the mid 1980’s I was working in the Reagan administration doing defense budgeting for OMB (Office of Management and Budget) when one day we started to hear rumors around the office that president Reagan had come down with colon cancer. To this day it is hard to even find mention of him having had cancer at all but what I am about to tell you, you may find even more jarring. You may find some mention of President Reagan’ s colon cancer on the internet or in a book about him but what they don’t tell you is that after “Successfully” receiving conventional treatment, the cancer came back and with a vengeance, it had very quickly metastasized to nearby major organs and the President now had Stage 4 colon cancer, having endorsed Laetrile as Governor of California he knew what he now needed to do and chemo and radiation was not it. So later that year I was given orders to help facilitate contact with one Dr. Hans Nieper via my connection with one Dr. Robert Atkins of the famous Atkin’s diet. Dr. Hans Nieper advised us to bring the President to Hanover West Germany where he would treat the President what was around 17 miles off the coast of Hanover on a hospital ship. The protocol was simple, Intravenous Vitamin B17, Vitamin B15, Pancreatic Enzymes: Trypsin and Chymotrypsin, Vitamin C via Dr. Linus Pauling’s contribution to the protocol and in just a few short weeks if not less, President Ronald Reagan’s cancer was all gone. I promise to work on legislation to enshrine medical freedom in the constitution just like Benjamin Rush wanted to so many years ago during the founding of our country so that everyone can be allowed to seek the medical treatment they want and not what the government tells them they have to do.

Biological/Chemical Attacks

Just like with the issue of Cancer, there have been many biological/physiological assaults on us over the years, can you think of something that happened recently maybe? We may never really know the truth about Covid-19, a former Pfizer VP has just recently blown the whistle claiming that Covid never really existed and that it may have just been the flu all along. However that does not let anyone off the hook. What I do know, is my own experience. While I was an Army intelligence officer, on duty at Aberdeen proving grounds in Aberdeen, MD we were briefed many times on various biological/ chemical weapons that were being worked on in you guessed it, Wuhan China. Covid -19 killed people mainly two things one of which being the injection of remdesivir against many patients wishes, including my own. The Hospital I was administered to injected me with Remdesivir even though I had explicitly written in my charts for them to never give me remdesivir. The other way was with the intubation of patients that put so many people under. Hospitals were receiving more money for “Treating” patients this way, even though it was directly contributing to their deaths. Ever heard of Cytokine Storm? It was briefly discussed in the msm but then stopped being mentioned entirely one day. This is a Chinese designed technique that causes internal bleeding of the lungs out of nowhere, some were getting this I suspect due to some interaction with medication given for COVID such as remdesivir which nearly caused me kidney failure. Cytokine storm is something the Chinese have been inducing on humans in experiments since 70’s according to our own intelligence. Our government and Fauci in particular knew all about this. However with that said the biggest chemical attack, is a silent one, one that you cannot detect right away, or even feel the ramifications of until many years down the road, maybe decades. This attack is so subtle and so evil that it is hard to even wrap your mind around. As I alluded to in the previous topic about cancer, major food and beverage companies along with other major companies that produce any of our day to day products have known for years that additives to foods and their other products have been causing people diseases of all kind. The one that the media never, ever, covers is the plummeting testosterone levels in men. Heavy metals, forever chemicals, food additives and preservatives are found in virtually all of us, and by all of us I mean the entire world. This, is by design, the evil that exists in this world, including big pharma and other major multi-national corporations have been adding chemicals in our products, and food in particular, to decrease male testosterone, why, because it will make all the men docile and obedient. That will then in turn make all of society easier to control in every facet. It’s all about domination folks, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The attacks on Christian institutions, the attack on children with demonic drag shows that look to confuse them about their gender, and make them resent their parents and God is again all by design to subvert and control society much easier. Just remember that If the forces of evil ever succeed in breaking down the family and faith in God they might as well have succeeded at breaking done everything. Please watch the movie Dark Waters to see how major companies like Dupont knew for decades that the chemicals they used in their products were causing cancer, birth defects, and other chronic conditions. Also look up to get a thorough understanding of how chemicals are being sprayed into the air daily affecting all our health.

As your next Congressman in the 1st I promise to use my platform to expose the collusion between big business and big government or also known as fascism. I will work to pass legislation to end drag shows in schools and public libraries as it is patently child abuse. I will work to bring back the ten commandments and prayer in school. I will work to make sure that respect for our nation is restored amongst our youth!

Attack on the Middle Class

Everyone knows it, you can’t have a thriving country if you don’t have a thriving economy, and you can’t have a thriving economy if you don’t have a thriving middle class. Since the introduction of the Federal Reserve, the dollar has continuously lost value due to inflation. From 1665 and up to 1913 the value of currency remained steady with slight fluctuations over the decades and centuries. The federal reserve pumps cheap cash into the economy via loans to the government which then authorizes the treasury to print cash to give the federal reserve to then lend back to us for interest. The money never goes to the people but rather it’s always spent for the “Collective Good” they say. The government uses that money to bail out the “Too Big to fail’s”. Such as the big banks and their shadowy backers, i.e. the interests that comprised the meeting at Jekyll Island. These ruling elites manipulate stock markets, and markets of all kinds to create recessions and depressions so they can sell high and buy cheap, rinse and repeat. Over time they will own everything if allowed to continue this way. Look around you folks, I have traveled and traversed the entire country and no matter where I go everything it’s mostly all the same story. The 5 or 6 major corporations are everywhere and own everything. American capitalism has become just a cookie cutter operation, where no mater where you go you see the same fast food restaurants, the same general stores, the same hardware stores, the businesses in the shopping centers and plaza’s are all the same. 50 to 100 years ago the economy was dominated by small businesses, unique mom and pop operations that kept the towns bustling, and full of life and economic activity. Now these global interests are dividing the country up amongst themselves. This is not capitalism, this is crony capitalism and collusion of utmost disregard for our nation. This trend bought to its logical conclusion will result in global communism where all the power will be concentrated into the hands of just a few. When I ran against Nancy Johnson in 1988, even as a Democrat I saw what was going on, and that both parties were complicit in allowing for the sending of jobs overseas in exchange for that short term sugar high known better as cheap imported goods. Our once great cities have turned into urban desserts, people are harvesting copper and other metals from abandoned homes for money. This is not the America I grew up in, in the America I grew up in people worked harder but were able to make a living and still have time to see and raise their children, go on vacations, and always made time for God. The globalist elites have stripped us of our dignity, and ability to provide for ourselves in a systematic way that is really going to take strong willed patriots to be able to undo the damage they have already done. I am confident that there are plenty of Americans that feel this way and feel that something is deeply wrong right into their bones but don’t quite understand the dastardly forces that are behind all of this. Again, I can assure you that the sinister force is that of the federal reserve and those ruling elites that work through it. Ladies and gentleman we do not have a free economy, we have a planned economy just like in communism. The Federal reserve via its collusion with our government and big business controls our economy, and their vision is to lead us down a system where there are no more private businesses but rather gigantic international corporations that everyone works for under a one world government that they are in control of. The evidence is all around us. I will support any and all measures to bring manufacturing jobs back from China and anywhere else we have exported them to. We must do this by imposing the Trump style tariffs and closing down loopholes in the trade system to bring to bring back jobs that were sent to China and other non Democratic slave labor countries.


We’ve long held the belief as a society that Energy is finite. Right, that doesn’t seem too controversial? It has generally been accepted that we have a limited supply of fossil fuels and need to find alternative sources of energy. Well this is going to shock some of you but the truth is that we don’t need more drill baby drill, we don’t need to extract minerals and make gigantic creators into the ground for batteries, we don’t need windmills killing birds and ruining the skyline. We don’t need any of that if we come together and demand that the government release what it really knows about energy. You see the truth is that the topic of energy is as embroiled in politics and hidden agendas as that of treating chronic diseases. The truth is that some of the greatest scientists of all time one of them being Nikola Tesla found a different way to harvest energy. A way, that many more individuals have discovered prior to and after his work. This breakthrough is known as Zero Point Energy or Zero Point Gravity. Free energy that comes from the Ether. I know this may sound crazy but I assure you it is not and the dozens of documented attempts made by the government to suppress this information is all the proof I certainly need to know that it is real. Dozens and dozens of individuals whether just amateur inventors tinkering in their garages, or professional scientists sponsored by some of the biggest names known to man, (does JP Morgan sound familiar?) have had their discoveries suppressed, devices used to capture this energy confiscated, and their lives threatened, or in many cases taken! The discovery of this ocean of energy that exists all around us by Tesla in particular was quickly shot down by his biggest financer JP Morgan who told him to shut the project utilizing ZPG down for good as it could not make him (Morgan) any money and could threaten the global energy market if knowledge of this type of energy ever got out. Well sure enough it has gotten out, on many occasions as a matter of fact, and in each one the Federal government has sent its goons to thwart any progression of any technology that utilizes ZPG/ZPE. Documents sent from the patent office to applicants that tried to have their devices that were using this sort of technology that could capture this form of electrical energy patented said in many cases that not only were they not going to be given a patent on their invention but that they were to never speak or communicate anything about their device with anyone ever again under the orders of the federal government citing national security concerns; and if they were to disobey that they would face the harshest of penalties. For many that still chose to not comply even after receiving such letters in the mail, were met with untimely deaths in ALL cases. Please watch the documentary ‘The Lost Century” By Dr. Steven Greer to learn more about the topic of ZPG/ZPE and all those involved in it. I promise as your next Congressman in the 1st that I will be a loud voice for the release of all government documents that show the existence of this technology and to release it to the people so that not just the United States but the entire world will no longer have any energy issues ever!

Election Integrity

Although in CT we might by the very nature of how we ballot, that being paper balloting be immune from voter fraud in the digital form, we have as many of you reading this know have had plenty of instances of fraud take place i.e Bridgeport last year and Stamford a few years before that, and let’s not forget New Haven and Hartford that routinely allow people to get in lines after 8:00PM . Whatever the case may be it needs to be addressed, and not just for the state of Connecticut and the Voters of the 1st but for the entire country. Multinational parties, again, all with connections or direct roots to the elite group of families that run the world’s affairs, have been and are continuously interfering in our elections. Whether it is through direct or indirect cash flow by scum like Zuckerberg and Soros or actual ballot machine hacking as proven by many accounts, our elections are not safe, and for elections as critical as this one it is going to be paramount that each states elections are secure because the President represents all of us! Purely electronic voting systems can be hacked, and the elections can be overturned. Which is exactly what happened in the 2020 presidential election. Please watch Invisible Ballots by G Edward Griffin to learn more about this topic or watch the documentary “Kill Chain” to see how hackers can easily infiltrate voting systems in America.

Jim Griffin 4 Congress

Help Jim Griffin serve WE THE PEOPLE as the next representative for Connecticut's 1st Congressional district in the United States House of Representatives.

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